Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Unless your in it, my vagina is not your business

Needless to say between retirement, personal crap and raising kids I haven't written in a while.  All the same after watching the news recently I find myself outraged over the step back in time we are taking regarding women's rights.  So excuse me while I go off and express my opinions on a bunch of white, upper class, men who want to make decisions about my vagina and sex life. 

In the event someone should ask me why I want birth control let me just answer that now for you.  I LIKE SEX, I FUCKING LOVE IT and I will not apologize for that.  If you have time to ask me why I want birth control my guess is you aren't getting enough cause you have way to much time on your hands.  Also, I have a child of my own who I love very much.  I am poor, I often make shitty decisions with the men I sleep with so I really don't feel like getting knocked up by some jackass that seemed like a good idea at the time who most likely wouldn't pay child support.  But thanks for asking anyway. 

Now aside from the fact I like sex and dislike kids, medically I really don't want to bleed to death or deal with ovarian cysts on a regular basis.  I know it sounds crazy but both of those scenarios pretty much suck. 

Now to the men who are passing legislation or introducing legislation (yes Georgia I am talking to you) that equates women to farm animals I reserve a special place in my heart for you folks.  I am an educated woman who has worked in fields you wouldn't dare dirty your hands with.  Jobs that are just beneath you.  You know jobs where you actually have to have people skills and compassion.  Right, I forgot you don't know what those things are.  I don't know what laws there are in Georgia but I feel certain equating women to fucking farm animals could upset women so badly they could be rendered not criminally responsible due to a possible psychotic break by your insensitive wishes that they carry a still born child until their body delivers it.  Again, you are all men and have no idea what it is like to carry a child.  Take this as a hint from God that you bastards have no heart and couldn't put the health and welfare of an unborn child ahead of your selfish ways.  Being a man you have never known the pain and hurt of a miscarriage or still born child.  Let me assure you that the pain is beyond words, the loss is life long and there is no cure for the trauma caused by the lose of a child.  The idea of forcing a woman to carry a child that is no longer alive is barbaric and you deserve a special place in hell that I usually reserve for child molesters only. 

I am PRO CHOICE.  That doesn't mean I support and want abortions.  It means that I believe it isn't my business to force decisions on other people.  Having a child is a life long decision and whatever decisions another woman makes are hers to live with, not me. 

I will reserve my comments on trying to outlaw porn (seriously why is this even a topic of discussion) for now but rest assured I will revisit them later.  For now let me finish by saying this...  Unless you are in my vagina, it isn't your business.  If you want to make it your business I suggest you go to med school and become and OB/GYN.  I am pretty sure you will fail the bedside manner section but what do I know, I am just a WOMAN. 

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